Over the past three months CLA has welcomed nearly fifty visitors who had the chance to see the arts being transmitted from elderly Masters to Cambodian youth. We value the opportunity to find new sources of income for our Arts Education programs through socially responsible tourism, while creating jobs for our students who serve as "cultural ambassadors". In April and May, CLA will provide a new training to four of its motivated Large Shadow Puppetry students in Siem Reap, and four of its advanced English and arts students in Phnom Penh, so as to increase the number of cultural ambassadors who can lead the tours.

 Le verre puise sa force de la terre. Composé essentiellement de minéraux naturels (sable, calcaire et carbonate de soude), le verre est d’abord un matériau écologique, qui séduit par sa pureté et sa noblesse.

La naturalité du verre se double de sa stabilité. Il supporte bien les conditions de chaleur et de froid. Inerte et inaltérable, le verre résiste de manière exemplaire aux agents atmosphériques ou chimiques. Ces résistances naturelles font du verre un matériau sain, et une réponse idéale aux exigences d’emballage de l’industrie agro-alimentaire.


Update 2014:


June 2014:President calls adjournment because of absence of interpreter 'unacceptable'

Lack of Slovak interpreters a 'concerning state of affairs'

The President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby, has called the adjournment of children proceedings because of the absence of a Slovak interpreter an unacceptable state of affairs.

In Re J and S (Children) [2014] EWFC 4, the President was considering an application by a father and a mother for leave pursuant to section 47(5) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 to oppose the making of adoption orders in relation to two of their children, J and S, boys born respectively in 2010 and 2012. The parents are Roma from the Slovak Republic. The parents also applied for the transfer of the proceedings to the Slovak Republic in accordance with Article 15 of the Regulation commonly known as Brussels II revised (BIIR).

HHJ Murdoch QC transferred the prospective adopters' adoption applications to the High Court and directed that they be listed before the President and directed that "HMCTS do provide 2 Slovak interpreters for the hearing on 7 May 2014."

That hearing was unable to proceed because no interpreter was present at court.

The President said:

"It would have been unjust, indeed inhumane, to continue with the final hearing of applications as significant as those before me – this, after all, was their final opportunity to prevent the adoption of their children – if the parents were unable to understand what was being said."

The hearing was adjourned to 15 May 2014. The President directed that HMCTS was to provide two interpreters for that hearing and that Capita's Relationship Director file a written statement (with statement of truth) explaining the circumstances in which and the reasons why no interpreters had been provided by Capita for the hearing on 7 May 2014.

The President referred to three aspects of the statement by Capita's Relationship Director:

"The contractual arrangements between Capita and the interpreters do not give Capita the ability to require that any particular interpreter accepts any particular assignment, or even to honour any engagement which the interpreter has accepted. ... The second is that it is only at 2pm on the day before the hearing that Capita notifies the court that there is no interpreter assigned. The third is the revelation that on 7 May 2014 Capita had only 29 suitably qualified Slovak language interpreters on its books (only 13 within a 100 miles radius of the Royal Courts of Justice) whereas it was requested to provide 39 such interpreters for court hearings that day."

The President continued:

"This is on any view a concerning state of affairs. If the consequence is that a hearing such as that before me on 7 May 2014 has to be abandoned then that is an unacceptable state of affairs. It might be thought that something needs to be done.

"Whether the underlying causes are to be found in the nature of the contract between the Ministry of Justice and HMCTS or whoever and Capita, or in the nature of the contract between Capita and the interpreters it retains, or in the sums paid respectively to Capita and its interpreters, or in an inadequate supply of interpreters (unlikely one might have thought in a language such as Slovak), I do not know. We need to find out."

The judgment and a summary by Sally Gore of Fenners Chambers, dealing with the substantive issues, are here.

1/6/14 more:
www dot familylawweek dot co dot uk / site.aspx?i=ed129846


January 2014: Exactly two years after the MoJ signed that fateful contract with Capita Translation and Interpreting (formerly ALS), a contract that as we all know resulted in more than 2,000 UK interpreters leaving the profession instead of collaborating towards their own professional destruction, IAPTI pays a tribute to those interpreters who are still resisting to this day.
source : International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI) 13.680 members

Interpreters' question new agreement / Friday, 11 May, 2012

The Ministry of Justice's privatization and outsourcing of interpreting services is proving to be more costly and inefficient than the services they replaced according to Professional Interpreters for Justice.

On 30 January, court interpreting services were outsourced to a single commercial agency, Applied Language Solutions Ltd, owned by Capita, to cover the justice sector in England and Wales. Previously interpreters were booked from the National Register where they had been subject to security checks and a rigorous registration procedure, and were required to have postgraduate level qualifications.

According to a recent survey carried out by Involvis on behalf of SPSI and APCI, up to 90% of Registered Public Service Interpreters refuse to work under the new system, citing reasons including poor quality, unacceptably low standards and questionable numbers of workers. The first three months of the contract have demonstrated that the agency is struggling to provide an acceptable service.


According to a Crime Line survey, in April 40% of cases requiring an interpreter were disrupted due to no interpreter attending.

Ένα Νέο Παράδειγμα Οικονομικής Ανάπτυξης

Η περίφημη σύσκεψη με θέμα « Ευτυχία και Ευημερία : για τον ορισμό ενός νέου οικονομικού παραδείγματος" που συγκλήθηκε με πρωτοβουλία της Βασιλικής Κυβέρνησης του Μπουτάν στις 2 Απριλίου στην έδρα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών στη Νέα Υόρκη ξεπέρασε ένα σημαντικό στάδιο στη διαχείριση ενός αειφόρου, ολιστικού και δίκαιου παραδείγματος χωρίς αποκλεισμούς για την παγκόσμια κοινότητα.

Η διάσκεψη συγκέντρωσε περίπου 700 πολιτικούς και κυβερνητικούς εκπροσώπους, λόγιους, οικονομολόγους, φιλοσόφους, επιστήμονες, εκπροσώπους των μέσων μαζικής ενημέρωσης και της κοινωνίας των πολιτών, επίσημους εκπροσώπους του ΟΗΕ, επιχειρηματίες και ηγέτες των κυριότερων παγκόσμιων πνευματικοτήτων. Διακόσιοι συμμετέχοντες παρακολούθησαν συζητήσεις που έλαβαν χώρα στις 3 και 4 Απριλίου 2012 για τον καθορισμό των στόχων της διάσκεψης : υποβολή μιας αναφοράς στο Γενικό Γραμματέα των Ηνωμένων Εθνών προκειμένου να διανεμηθεί σε όλα τα Κράτη μέλη του ΟΗΕ∙ διανομή σε όλους τους κυβερνητικούς αρχηγούς παγκοσμίως ενός καταλόγου με συστάσεις για τον καθορισμό των εθνικών οικονομικών πολιτικών, οι οποίες βασίζονται στην ευτυχία και την ευημερία ∙ σύνταξη ενός νέου παραδείγματος ανάπτυξης που θα υποβληθεί στη Γενική Συνέλευση του ΟΗΕ του χρόνου ∙ και δημιουργία ενός παγκόσμιου κινήματος και εκπόνηση μιας στρατηγικής επικοινωνίας με στόχο να ενισχυθεί σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο η κατανόηση της ευημερίας και της ευτυχίας και να προαχθεί το νέο οικονομικό παράδειγμα.

Déclaration du Comité Confédéral National (1er et 2 février 2012)

« Trop, c’est trop ! Des alternatives existent pour l’emploi et la justice sociale »


Le 29 février 2012, ensemble, à l’appel de tous les syndicats d’Europe agissons pour dire non à l’austérité. Une vaste campagne de culpabilisation se développe. Partout, les salariés s’entendent dire qu’ils coûtent trop cher. En France, le Président de la République a annoncé deux mesures qui à nouveau vont frapper durement les salariés, les retraités, les privés d’emploi. Après la réforme des retraites de 2010 et les deux plans d’austérité de 2011, il aggrave la situation en voulant augmenter la TVA, l’impôt le plus inégalitaire, diminuant encore le pouvoir d’achat pour le plus grand nombre de salariés. La Protection sociale serait une nouvelle fois fragilisée. Il entend instaurer des accords « compétitivité emploi » légalisant ainsi le chantage des employeurs « emploi contre salaires et temps de travail ».

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