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Circostrada Network is a European platform for the street arts and circus, dedicated to information, observation and professional exchanges. Representing more than 50 members from 17 countries, the network is working to develop the structuring and recognition of these sectors in Europe. HorsLesMurs, French national information centre for street arts and circus arts, is the general secretariat of the network. Created in 1993 by the Ministry of Culture and Communication, it supports artistic activities through observation, documentation, training, expertise, research and publishing.
Fresh Circus #2
 12-13 April 2012 Parc et Grande Halle de la Villette (Paris)
Circostrada Network is organising Fresh Circus #2, European seminar on the sustainable development of circus arts, on the 12th and 13th of April 2012. The goal of this moment of reflection and exchange is to formulate a series of practical recommendations to improve the infrastructure and recognition of the sector.
To create opportunities for artistic mobility, to bring the performing arts into the digital era, to facilitate access to culture, to think of new economic models, to increase recognition of the arts within society, to participate in the renewal of public policies – these are but a few of the challenges which the entire cultural sector faces, and each is a subject which can greatly benefit from circus’ innovative contributions.
In order to facilitate the approach and the treatment of issues linked to our sector, the members of Circostrada Network propose to articulate the seminar around ten thematic working sessions. Within this framework, in order to take into consideration the diverse realities of Europe, we are proposing that artists and companies, circus arts professionals, and more generally those from the performing arts field should send contributions ahead of time in order to share their experiences and difficulties, to make known examples of good practice, and to help formulate concrete propositions that will improve the situation of the sector and reflect how to best position contemporary circus in the face of transnational issues. Stakeholders can send their contributions online and register to the seminar on our website www.circostrada.org
Fresh Circus #2 is proposed by Circostrada Network, European platform for the street arts and circus. HorsLesMurs, French national information centre for street arts and circus, acts as general secretariat of the network and coordinates its actions. This event is held in partnership with and with the support of Parc et Grande Halle de la Villette, the French Ministry of Culture and Communication, Institut Français, Onda, Fondation BNP-Paribas, Ville de Paris and Stradda magazine.

During the events in La Villette Paris English French conference interpretation was provided in all secessions and workshops. Some of the websites are multilingual and participants came from all over the world. Risk, experience and exchange of best practices were in the hearth of the event.

Onda is a non-profit organisation, the Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique (French office for contemporary performing arts circulation), was established in 1975. An association funded by the Ministry of Culture and Communication (General Direction of Artistic Creation / Subdirection of European and International Affairs), the missions and goals of Onda are specified in the triennial agreements signed with the Ministry.

Onda promotes the dissemination within France of performing arts works that are consistent with a process of contemporary artistic creation concerned with the renewal of forms, and stimulates exchanges in the field of live performance in Europe and internationally.

Its scope of intervention covers all disciplines, whether stemming from theatre, dance, music, circus or street arts, whether these works are created in France or abroad, and whether they are aimed at adults or children.

Onda's activities are focused on 4 main areas:
- Expertise and advice
- Meetings
- Financial support
- Europe and international

source: http://onda.fr