Andrea Tsakiris, qui parle grec et français, présenté comme un des cerveaux d'un trafic de cocaïne.
Acquitté, l'affréteur reste en prison : La défense n'en revient pas. « C'est la première fois que j'obtiens un acquittement sans remise en liberté », s'indigne M e Thierry Fillion. Jeudi 9 février, la cour d'assises spéciale d'Ille-et-Vilaine a rendu son verdict dans l'affaire du Junior. Le cargo avait été arraisonné par la Marine française en février 2008, avec 3,2 tonnes de cocaïne à bord.


Le parquet général fait appel. Fin bis du process 2014:

Procter & Gamble to Extend Mother-Centric Campaign at Olympics

Procter & Gamble, the giant marketer of household staples, will expand a popular advertising campaign around the world in connection with its sponsorship of the 2012 Summer Olympics.

The campaign was introduced in the United States during the 2010 Winter Olympics and has subsequently appeared in markets like Britain, Canada and Latin America.

What makes a good translator might be open to interpretation, but it's clear what translates into being a good interpreter. Interpreters are quite simply the European Parliament's tightrope walkers. Always performing under pressure, they need to find the right balance between speed and accuracy. But if they fail, there is no safety net to catch them. Let's take a look back-stage at these linguistic daredevils.

Interpreters work in real time: they listen and speak at the same time, which leaves no room for mistakes. "Once a word is out, you cannot take it back so they have to be pretty sure of what you are doing," said Olga Cosmidou, the Parliament's director-general for interpretation and conferences. "Speed is one of their biggest enemies, but at the same time it is very exciting. You have to like this positive stress and the adrenaline rush, you have somehow to anticipate what MEPs are going to say."

Red T, in partnership with the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) and the International Federation of Translators (FIT), issued a Conflict Zone Field Guide for Civilian Translators / Interpreters and Users of Their Services. This document, the first of its kind, outlines the basic rights, responsibilities, and practices recommended by the three organizations.  It applies to translators and interpreters serving as field linguists for the armed forces, journalists, NGOs, and other organizations in conflict zones.

Our priority action steps include:

    » Drawing attention to and informing the public about the plight of translators and interpreters in conflict zones and other high-risk settings
    » Redefining the role of conflict zone translators and interpreters and working toward protected-person status akin to that granted ICRC staff
    » Seeking to obtain a UN resolution conferring special legal status to T&Is operating in conflict zones (similar to Resolution 1738 protecting journalists)
    » Exposing injustices and rights violations as they relate to translators and interpreters
    » Mitigating the legal vulnerability of translators and interpreters by notifying them of new and existing U.S. case law
    » Monitoring incidents involving the translator-traitor mentality and alerting the public
    » Creating and maintaining a central data registry for translators and interpreters incidents and statistics
    » Tracking translators and interpreters policy progress by country (e.g., legal developments, asylum grants, insurance protocols, etc.)
    » Organizing, conducting, and/or sponsoring public events and lectures
    » Encouraging discussion about T&I issues and providing a base forum for the exchange of ideas
    » Aiding other organizations in the creation and development of programs that further T&I-related causes
    » Uniting T&I initiatives launched by individuals, groups, and trade associations under a common banner
    » Raising awareness of the Red T, its logo, and its goals, in order to secure worldwide recognition

Φαρμακευτική εταιρεία που ειδικεύεται στα γενόσημα φάρμακα και η οποία στοχεύει στην ανάπτυξη και προσφορά ενός ευρέος φάσματος προϊόντων.

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