Arts de la table

Rosenthal est depuis 125 ans une société très performante. Grâce à ses nombreuses marques, elle est considérée comme l'un des fabricants d'art de la table, de mobilier et d'objets décoratifs leader au niveau mondial en matière d'innovation et de design disponible dans 97 pays.

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Pour les besoins de son activité, ROSENTHAL, spécialiste dans le domaine de l'art de la table, engage de manière ponctuelle des spécialistes de la traduction et de l'interprétariat lors de l'élaboration de ses notices, garanties, négociations.

Museums have interpreters and translators contribute to their communication strategy.

Follow some client / organizer considerations:

a) Always be clear about why you are hiring an interpreter. What added value do you expect? Will interpreters serve any purpose beyond straight language translation? You may need an interpreter with a particular knowledge of an industry sector or you may need an interpreter with negotiation experience and specific soft skills.

b) Always give as much background information on the situation the interpreters will find themselves in. Context is sometimes as important at the message. What outcomes do you expect? Are there any potential issues or problems such as difficult personalities, legacy or sensitive issues?

c) Plan ahead.

When will you need the interpreter? Try and give both you and them time. You plan traveling usually asap and not just a week before, don't you? You may want to meet with them first to discuss the day or meeting. In specific cases like depositions several days of preparation can be of greatest aded value. Will interpreters be needed for a whole day or week even?

d) Supply background documentation including the agenda for the event, the text of presentations - in draft or final form - and any general material, such as minutes of previous meetings, Power Point presentations, technical press releases, technical documents and company reports etc.

Interpreters are in great demand in the current global climate. In some cities they are easier to find than in others. For example many live in Paris, but less in the north of France. The same is valid for Athens Greece while less live on a Greek island. Traveling time and preparation is often part of the assignment. With people from all over the world participating in business meetings, conferences and events, overcoming the language barrier naturally becomes the key to ensuring all attendees contribute and benefit from such occasions. Let every one talk his mother language contributes to facilitate exchange. The interpreter is an integral cog in the wheel of cross cultural communication. Knowing how to hire and work with an interpreter or a team of interpreters is a must for international business personnel.

Working with an interpreter offers challenges. Interpreters on the whole have a stressful job. They participate in so many successful events that attitude and style becomes natural common practice. Unlike translators they do not have the luxury of breaks and time to think. This also is a reason why interpreters work in teams. Interpreters have to perform 'live' and in front of an audience. In order to ensure you get the best out of an interpreter, good communication, information exchange, preparation and budget are necessary.

What information do I need to give you?

Initially we will need the following information to book your interpreter:

Start / Finish Times:


Nature of meeting:

Any specific terminology / abbreviations that will be used:

Languages that will be used:



Field of services and conference interpreting on any industry including advertising, education, finance, government, healthcare, insurance, law, manufacturing, military, public safety, telecommunications, transportation, etc., and will take into account your overall objectives as well as your budget. In some cases you must have professional On-site interpreters that are certified and have specialized training and expertise in industry specific terminology, and are required to follow strict confidentiality and code of ethics standards.

When looking for on-Site Interpreting service choose the one that is best suited for meetings that require human interaction and visual contact which on-site interpreting is custom designed to facilitate. Using audio equipment can augment up to 100% your ROI and results. Since in simultaneous mode participants become spontaneous, talk all the time and forgent they use interpretation services. Just imagine international brands, consumer studies and focus groups would not use infrastructure, spend extra time and money if there was no concrete advantage. Here are some other situations where an on-site interpreter may be useful:

Depositions, trials, hearings, mediations, witness statements, examination under oath, arbitrations, mediations, medical exams
Prolonged meetings or advanced planned interviews
Business Escort & negociations
Large group meetings or conferences
European Works Councils and meetings with unions