Veralia is part of St Gobain group. Strategy: 

Our strategy is based on service and innovation backed by efficient manufacturing facilities operating under the world's highest standards. This strategy is reflected in the significant levels of capital expenditure both in mature and emerging countries.

Verallia's unique business model combines "strength" with "proximity" – the strength of a global leader offering efficient state-of-the-art industrial facilities to meet the exacting needs of global players, united with the proximity of a local market presence to serve customers of all sizes.

Our policy mainly consists of:

Listening carefully to and working closely with our regional and global customers to jointly identify the best possible packaging solutions as early as possible in the development process;

The ongoing quest for innovation in all areas of glass packaging: shapes, colors, appearance, decoration, closures, handling, and fit with bottling processes in coordination with the industry's best partners;

A constant eye to quality and manufacturing excellence by implementing best practices and state-of-the-art technology at all our plants, backed by a global network and more than three centuries of glassmaking expertise.

«Επειδή δεν θυμόμαστε και πολλά από την στατιστική στο πανεπιστήμιο, και επειδή αυτό αποκλείεται να γίνει ποτέ θέμα στις πανελλαδικές εξετάσεις, Άσκηση 1: Να βρεθεί η πιθανότητα να συμβεί τρεις φορές σε 189 χρόνια ζωής του ελληνικού κράτους, στην ίδια χώρα, με πληθυσμό 8.000.000 (έστω) να γίνουν Πρωθυπουργοί... παππούς, γιος και εγγονός της ίδιας οικογένειας. Ξαναλέμε, τρεις φορές, όχι μια! Άσκηση 2: Να βρεθεί η πιθανότητα να συμβεί επτά φορές σε 189 χρόνια ζωής του ελληνικού κράτους, στην ίδια χώρα, με πληθυσμό 8.000.000 (κατοίκων έστω) να γίνουν Πρωθυπουργοί, πατέρας και γιος».

L'ORSE Observatoire de la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises 

à l'international L'ORSE travaille en réseau avec les principaux acteurs de la RSE et de l'ISR en Europe et dans le monde. Sur la RSE, l'ORSE est membre du réseau européen CSR Europe qui réunit dans une vingtaine de pays, plus de 30 National Partner Organisations (NPO).    

L'ORSE travaille en collaboration avec Business Social Responsibility (BSR).    


Sur l'ISR, l'ORSE collabore régulièrement avec le réseau d'investisseurs européen, Eurosif (European Sustainable Investment Forum).

über den Verkauf der Division "Industrielle Wabenkörper"

Heute kam es zwischen der Frauenthal Holding AG und der japanischen IBIDEN CO.,LTD. zu einer Einigung über den Verkauf der Division „Industrielle Wabenkörper“ an die IBIDEN-Gruppe. Der vereinbarte Kaufpreis für die Anteile der Division „Industrielle Wabenkörper“ liegt bei rund EUR 51 Millionen, zudem übernimmt die Käuferin Finanzverbindlichkeiten der Division. Die Genehmigungen der Gremien beider Vertragsparteien liegen bereits vor. Die Unterfertigung der Vertragsdokumentation soll kurzfristig, voraussichtlich noch heute, erfolgen.

Growth in U.S. immigration and a recent boom in international business transactions create more need for interpreters and translators.

Language Line, with annual revenue of $300 million, was founded 30 years ago andis set up to interpret 170 languages. It hopes to hire 2,000 additional translators in the coming year. In Southern California, where more than 200 languages are spoken, it's the type of problem that businesses and their customers face every day. As a result, companies that offer interpreters over the phone are in great demand by retailers, hospitals, banks, restaurants and other merchants.  

But let start with some more basic concepts about the interpretation profession:
Interpreting is not translating.
Interpretation is spoken, translation is written. Interpretation is carried out in real time (simultaneously / simultaneous mode) or very close to it (consecutively in concepts and packages, with notes or free). In interpretation communication is immediate, intonation, technical knowledge, deep understanding of interdisciplinary concepts is accumulated over the years. A good interpretation is involving an interaction between speakers, listeners, and interpreters and the best compliment one can make to the interpreters is to say:

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