DHL : expertise dans l'express international, fret aérien et maritime, Transport routier et ferroviaire, la logistique contractuelle et les services de courrier et marchandises international à ses clients.
Pour s’exprimer spontanément, DHL spécialiste dans le domaine du transport et de la logistique express internationale, fait généralement appel à des prestataires de services, dont les traducteurs et interprètes pour ses catalogues, statuts, formalités au registre du commerce et de l'industrie, négociations, contrat, arbitrages, litiges, conférences, marketing, conférences de presse, notices, sites web.
Source :
Paris 2013 interpretation mission English, French, German
Adcloud Ad Exchange Marketplace. Plate-forme for digital advertising.
Buyers of online advertising always want the best price for their campaign placement; vendors want the highest revenues for their inventory.
There are many platforms for online advertising. But these systems are closed – with limited ranges and data that is hidden from participants. For the optimal matching of inventory and campaigns, however, one needs a market that is completely transparent.
This is exactly the challenge solved by Adcloud marketplace as an open, transparent and neutral technology platform and Adcloud technology. Adcloud optimally brings campaigns and inventory together – precisely where they attain the best performance. The needs of all marketplace participants are efficiently met in the process.
source: adcloud dot com