According to the report, cited by British newspaper The Guardian, Eastern Europe countries have recorded an increase of human rights violations of more than 100 percent in the past five years, which ranks them as a highly problematic region within the EU.

An independent survey conducted by the London-based organization Fair Trials International and the international law firm Clifford Chance, revealed that Greece is among the worst countries at delivering justice through trials right after Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.

Greece had the highest number of violations – 108 – from 2007 until the summer of 2012. Delayed starts of trial, lack of interpreters and fears about judicial corruption in the Greek courts have been the most common complaints and criticism concerning the violations.


Translation is offered on an ad hock base, is guaranteed by the EU Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. Could be a deposition, could be hearings, could be examinations  under oath (EUOs).

but it seems not allways 100% operational in all EU countries.


(22) Interpretation and translation under this Directive should be provided in the native language of the suspected or accused persons or in any other language that they speak or understand in order to allow them fully to exercise their right of defence, and in order to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings.

Since 2012 Aiic and the UE consider RSi Remote simultaneous interpretation being a viable qualitatite alternative to conference intepretation having interpreters localy. I've interpreted for legal hearing in France in consecutive with only one partie on site and a remote mode but quality was not always bet. Either broadband internet was poor quality or it was simple telephone line. As of 2019 with cable up to 300 Mbps I use the latest platfrorms to provide high quality assistnace when ever booked.

(23) The respect for the right to interpretation and translation contained in this Directive should not compromise any other procedural right provided under national law.

(24) Member States should ensure that control can be exercised over the adequacy of the interpretation and translation provided when the competent authorities have been put on notice in a given case.