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Elef Vakalis voice interpretet during the visit of Pope Francis to Greece December 2021
Film on interpretation :
merci https://www.ktotv.com/ Paris
Interpreter Since 1989: French, German, English, Greek
Sworn legal translations Greek <> French
Tel.:+33 (Paris - France)
Mobile: + 33 6 89 87 27 53
Traducteur & Interprète expert pour le GREC, assermenté TGI Paris.
mail :
Paris France Site www.elef.net
Member at : SFT inttra.net CBTIP, ATA & Ceticap
Number of Greek native speakers
Modern Greek, an Indo-European language, is a native language for roughly 13 million people living in Greece and estimated as many living abroad world wide. It is the language with 68th largest number of native speakers in the world. Greek is one of the 24 official languages of the European Union.
The EU spends around 6% of its annual budget on staff, administration and maintenance of its buildings.
The European Commission is divided into departments known as Directorates General (DGs), roughly equivalent to ministries. Each covers a specific policy area or service such as trade or environment, and is headed by a Director-General who reports to a Commissioner. Around 38 000 people are employed by the European Commission.
In the European Parliament, around 6 000 people work in the general secretariat and in the political groups. They are joined by Members of Parliament and their staff. In the Council of the European Union, around 3 500 people work in the general secretariat.
Multilingualism is central to the EU's cultural diversity. The EU has 24 official languages:
People living in the EU have access to all EU documents in the official language of their country. They also have the right to write to the Commission, and receive a reply in that language.
Members of the European Parliament have the right to use any of the EU's official languages when speaking in Parliament.
With a permanent staff of around 1 750 linguists and 600 support staff, the European Commission has one of the largest translation services in the world. The Commission's interpretation service employs 600 staff interpreters, a pool of 3,000 freelance interpreters and 250 support staff.
The European Commission is mainly based in Brussels and Luxembourg. It also has offices throughout the EU, and offices (known as "delegations") outside the EU. Agencies have been set up in many EU countries to deal with specific technical, scientific or managerial tasks. For example, the European Food Safety Authority in Italy provides independent scientific advice on all matters related to food safety.
The European Parliament holds its Committee meetings in Brussels and its plenary sessions in Brussels and Strasbourg. Administration is located in Luxembourg. It regularly sends delegations to regions outside the EU.
The Council buildings are in Brussels, where most of its meetings also take place. Occasionally meetings of the Council of the European Union are held in Luxembourg. Meetings between the heads of state and governments – the European Council – take place in Brussels.
source: http://europa.eu/about-eu/facts-figures/administration/index_en.htm
Linguistic peculiarities of modern and recent Greek language
The different dialects of Greek are Cappadocian, Cypriot, Demotic (official since 1976), Griko, Katharevousa (official until 1976), Pontic and Tsakonian. The Greek spoken in Greece today is "Modern Greek", in force since 1453, when the Byzantine Empire was taken by the Turks.
Interpreting in Greek
For interpreting, it is best always to use all available resources in order to guarantees interpreting adapted to the local context and challenges of the event. Some times in specific circumstances (very technical translation, for example), an interpretor from another region should be part of the interpreter teem. Professional interpreters always take care to prepare the interpretation mission as well as possible. The organizer role is to supply them with all available technical, terminological, background and cultural information where ever available or necessary.
Be aware your the interpreter is your clients voice, diplomat, vendor, representative in a foreign language and culture. For some historical examples to avoid loss of revenue or waist of time and money visit:
Did you know?
Despite losing its official status in 1976, Katharevousa is still sometimes used, in particular in conservative parts of society. This variation will be also found in legal documents. Katherevousa is a "purist / artificial" language free from all foreign influence, created at the beginning of the 19th century, but never used on a daily basis, nor by the majority of people. When socialist came to power 1981 this language was no more the official language but phrases remain still in 2013 in use for legal purposes.